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Milk Taffeta Taffeta bridal dresses

A wedding dress is an essential part of every wedding. Every bride spends hours and hours looking for the perfect dress, the dress of her dreams. There are many factors and parameters that you should take into consideration when looking for a wedding dress. And its not only about the style. Have you already decided what material your dress should be made of? Or maybe you are still discovering your options. Then you should definitely consider a taffeta dress.

Taffeta is one of a few materials that will give you a luxurious and rich look. Its mostly used for wedding gowns and party dresses. Taffeta feels fine and crisp to the touch, its woven texture will rustle when you walk, making everything so much more magical. Wedding dresses made of taffeta are beautiful, magical and have an amazing lustrous sheen, whenever you face the light.

What is taffeta fabric like?

Taffeta can be either made of natural fibers like silk, or any other modern synthetic fibers like nylon, viscose, polyester, acetate, or even a blend of these fibers. The material needs to have highly twisted yarn in order to achieve its significant crispness. Silk taffeta tends to be more expensive than synthetic one (because of the silk cost) but this varies. However, some might even say that synthetic taffetas are actually of a better quality than silk taffeta, looking ribbed with an amazing lustre.

You can determine the quality of taffeta very easily actually. Crinkle the fabric up in your hands and look if it stays crunched. The higher quality taffeta stays crunched but the lower quality one returns back to flat.

The synthetic taffetas are usually iridescent, almost two-tone in color. You should also remember that it rustles when the bride walks. Some may like it and enjoy it but others might find it annoying. Silk taffetas can come in any color. It is a lightweight and quite durable fabric suitable for any wedding.